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Resellers Center 2.X For WHMCS

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About Resellers Center For WHMCS

Resellers Center For WHMCS allows your resellers to manage their own customers and their orders through WHMCS!

Owing to our product, subclients of your resellers, can easily order services directly from your WHMCS.
With this module, your customers can create subclients and assign them products, services and domains.
Subclients will be able to log in to their own WHMCS accounts in order to manage their services, pay invoices or create tickets.
In other words, Resellers Center For WHMCS gives your resellers the possibility to conveniently offer your products and services to their own customers.

  • Features:
✔ Reseller's Branding Area (CNAME, Template, Logo)
✔ Set Up Contacts As Subclients (By Admin Or Client)
✔ Complete Management Of Clients And Subclients From Admin Panel
✔ Choose Subclient When Placing New Order
✔ Assign Existing Products/Services/Domains To Subclient
✔ Generate Invoices With Subclients Details
✔ Subclients Can List And Manage Assigned Products/Services/Domains/Invoices
✔ Subclients Can Create and Manage Tickets
✔ Subclients Can Receive Emails Related To Their Assigned Products/Services/Domains/Tickets/Invoices
✔ Override Registrar Contact Details (When Registering Domain)
✔ Assign Specific Product Groups To Specific Client Groups
✔ Edit Email Templates By Resellers For Their Subclients
✔ Add Subclient During Order Creation In Reseller's Area
✔ First Level Of Support For Subclients
✔ View Information About Subclients Assigned To The Product In The Resellers Client Area
✔ View Resellers List
✔ View Resellers Sales
✔ Information Highlighted In Green Or Red About Integration Codes Status
✔ VIES And EU VAT For Subclients Will Remove The Tax (EU Companies Only)
  • General Info:
✔ Multi-Language Support
✔ Supports WHMCS V5 and Later


Installation of Resellers Center For WHMCS requires a few simple modifications of the template files.

No worries, we will guide you step by step through the entire installation process.


1. Log in to your client area and download Resellers Center For WHMCS Module.
2. Upload and extract the module into the main WHMCS directory.

Files in your WHMCS directory should look like this.

3. When you install Resellers Center module for the first time you have to rename 'license_RENAME.php' file.

File is located in 'modules/addons/mg_resellers/license_RENAME.php' . Rename it from 'license_RENAME.php' to 'license.php' .

4. In order to configure your license key you have to edit a previously renamed 'license.php' file.

Enter your license key between quotation marks as presented on the following screen. You can find your license key at your client area → 'My Products' .

5. Next step is setting permission to 'resellers_logos' directory.

Directory is located at 'your_whmcs/modules/addons/mg_resellers/' .
Set chmod to '755' , if your resellers are still unable to upload logo files, set the folder chmod to '777' .

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Activation Of Addon

6. Now, you have to activate the module in your WHMCS system.

Login to your WHMCS admin area. Click 'Setup' then choose 'Addon Modules' .
Afterwards, find 'Resellers Center' and press Activate button.

7. In the next step, you need to permit an access to the module.

To do so, select admin roles which should have access to the module and press 'Save Changes' .

8. It is required to disable auto applying credits. (optional)

Otherwise, orders made by resellers' clients will be automatically paid using credits from the reseller's account.
Go to 'Setup' 'General settings' 'Invoices' and mark 'Disable Auto Credit Applying' checkbox.
Next, press 'Save Changes' .

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9. Afterwards, enter Resellers Center For WHMCS admin panel. For this purpose go to 'Addons' 'Resellers Center' .

Then click on 'Integration Codes' as shown on the screen below.

10. Backup your WHMCS template files and follow the instructions in the 'Integration Codes' tab.
11. To check whether you have done everything successfully, log in to the one of your customers account and click on 'Contacts/Sub-Accounts' .
12. If you can see a screen with a similar information, everything went according to the plan and your module is ready for action!

Remember to check marked checkboxes, they will enable client area for subclient, allow him to see invoice of his products and enable Reseller module for his account.


Management and Configuration

Management of the Resellers Center For WHMCS is very convenient. You can supervise everything from your Resellers Center addon.

What is more, handling of the module for both your resellers and their own customers is very simple and do not cause any problems.
Lets see what our product can do.

Module Configuration

Configuration of the module is very intuitive and consist of selecting items which customers of your resellers will be able to access.


At the 'Configuration' tab you can set basic settings of the module.

1. Access to specific parts of WHMCS client area for subclients.
2. Allowing resellers to solve and forward tickets in selected department.
3. Allowing your resellers to offer and sell your product from their own domain.
4. Enable resellers to upload their custom logo.
5. Use custom template for your reseller's subclients, remember to enter integration code for template chosen here.
6. Display direct links to product groups in Reseller Management Area and product group in subclient order forms.
Note: Even with unchecked 'Enable Domains' your reseller can assign domains to his clients and reseller's clients can order domain.
This only disables ability to assign existing domain to reseller clients.


Reseller Management Area

To set up an access to the reseller management area for your resellers you need to create a user group and assign your resellers to it.

To create user group, go to 'Setup' 'Client Groups' .
Now, enter group name, choose its colour (optional) and set discount for this group (optional).
Afterwards, confirm creation of this group through pressing 'Save Changes' .

Go back to your Resellers Center addon → 'Configuration' tab.

As you can see, the client group is visible here. Select product groups to set it visible for your reseller's clients.
Next, press 'Save Changes' .

Now, you have to add your resellers to previously created group to apply the client group settings to them.

Go to reseller profile and select client group from a dropdown menu.
Finish through clicking on 'Save Changes' .


Management of Sales

At the 'Sales' tab, you can view all orders made by your resellers' clients as well as all orders made by your resellers for their clients.
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Management of Resellers

To view the list of your resellers, open 'Resellers' tab.

Here you can find information about your resellers' companies, clients group they are assigned to and links to resellers accounts.


Management of Contacts

At the 'Contacts' tab you can manage your resellers' contacts.

Here you can enable/disable contacts as well as obtain more details about your customers and their contacts.

Click on 'Contact Name' to view more information about contact's products and domains. You can also modify the contact.
As you can see, all products, services and domains assigned to the reseller account are visible here.

Items assigned to chosen resellers' contact are highlighted in blue, items assigned to other contacts of the reseller are gray, products assigned to the reseller are black.

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To obtain more information about contacts, simply click on 'Contact Email' .

From here you can manage the contact and modify the permissions.

If you would like to view the information about your reseller, simply click on 'Client' or 'Contact Email' .
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Email Templates

You can also define which email templates can be customized by your resellers.

Simply mark/unmark checkboxes next to templates and press 'Save' .


Reseller Management Area

At the client area your can add new subclients and manage reseller area.

Access to the reseller management area are granted only to those clients, to whom product group are assigned through clients group in Resellers Center addon module.
At the resellers area you can customize email templates, find links to order carts, set company name, set your own domain instead of prepared links and upload custom logo.
Important: Do not use credits when you have subclients. Otherwise their orders may be paid from your credit balance.
You can also ask administrator to disable auto applying credits at 'Setup' 'General settings' 'Invoices' .


Email Templates

To edit email templates used in emails sent to your clients, press on 'Email Templates' button.
Afterwards, press on an email templates you want to edit.
Finally, edit the email template to fit your needs and press 'Save' button.

Advanced Links

By pressing 'Advanced Links' you can display direct links to products and product groups.

They can be used at yours website or delivered directly to yours subclients.



Enter your company name here and press 'Save Changes' .

Note: It will be used in the email templates. '

To use your own domain, enter its name as shown on the following screen and press 'Save Changes' .

Afterwards, create CNAME record in your DNS settings. For example, your domain is and WHMCS from which you wish to resell products is
In such situation, your CNAME would be ' CNAME' .
Important: Don't skip any dot on the end of each domain name in your CNAME record.

To upload a logo, simply press 'Edit' button. Afterwards click on 'Upload' button, choose the logo and save it.
You can view uploaded logo, this can be done through clicking 'preview' as shown on the screen below.
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There are three ways to add a product to subclients account, we will show you all of them below.

Assign Product by Reseller

Your resellers can place orders for their own customers as if the orders were for themselves.

The only difference is that they need to choose a contact from 'Subclient' dropdown menu. And that's all!

Both your reseller and his customer will receive an order confirmation email.

Afterwards, when subclient log in to the WHMCS client area, he will be able to view and manage the previously ordered products.
Subclients can also list and pay invoices or create tickets (if those options are checked in the addon module).


Access Order Through Link

Your resellers can provide their subclients with link to the product or the product group.

To do so, resellers need access to 'Reseller's Management Area' , you can find information about how to set it up here.


Access Order From The Client Area

Your reseller's contacts can view order form with product group assigned to their reseller.

Therefore your reseller's contacts can make orders on their own through using order forms in the client area.


Tickets Management

If you have enabled a support tickets in your addon, your resellers will be able to reply and forward tickets created by their subclients.

It is only available for tickets department set at Resellers Center addon.

On the screen below you can see a ticket created by resellers contact in reseller's client area.


1. You can create a hidden product group visible only for your resellers and their clients.

To do so, create hidden product groups containing products available for resell.
Afterwards, just assign the product group to the client group in your Resellers Center addon → 'Configuration' tab (assignment is shown on the 2nd screen of this section).

2. 'Reseller's Management Area' button is added to the client area home page by variable '$addons_html' .

That can be omitted in some templates, but you can add it at custom, better place for your template.
URL leading to 'Reseller's Management Area' is 'index.php?m=mg_resellers&modpage=management&modsubpage=management' .

3. If your WHMCS is installed in a subdirectory, your resellers using CNAME record must provide their links with it.

For example, instead of
You can change that behaviour through adding code below to .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/whmcs-directory/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /whmcs-directory/$1 [R=301,L]

Result: If hostname is not and path is not whmcs-directory', then redirect to resellers domain with /whmcs-directory.

Common Problems

1. When you have problems with connection, check whether your SELinux or firewall does not block ports.
2. When you use https on main WHMCS and your reseller passes non-https domain, his subclient will see a warning message from browser that certificate does not match.
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