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Polish Language Translation For WHMCS

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If you are looking for a Polish version of this documentation page, please follow the link here.


About Polish Language Translation For WHMCS

Polish Language Translation For WHMCS is a great tool prepared especially for Polish speaking users.
You will finally get the opportunity to extend the list of available languages with the long-awaited one - Polish.
Our solution will allow the freedom of choice for you, your clients and even guests when it comes to the selection of their language preferences.
  • Translation Overview:
✔ Professional Polish Localization
✔ Translation Of Both Client Area And Admin Area
✔ Open Source Version Of Language Files
✔ Nearly 7500 Complete Expressions Translated
✔ Supports WHMCS Template Six And Any Custom Template Based On It
✔ Supports All WHMCS Versions
✔ Translated All Available Records Up To WHMCS V7.7.1
✔ Supports Geolocation Hook For WHMCS Integration (read more)


This tutorial will show you how to successfully install and configure Polish Language Translation For WHMCS.

We will guide you step by step through the whole process.

1. Log in to our client area and download the translation files.
PL 1.png
2. Extract the downloaded files.

The content of the files should look like this.

PL 2.png
3. Make sure to upload the files into correct directories.

Exemplary admin area polish.php file directory, as its location may have been customized and vary per system:


Client area polish.php translation file directory:

That is all! You do not need to install or activate it in any place!

Configuration and Management

Language in Admin Area

Personal Admin Account

Set up the language of your preference to use when logged in to the admin area.

To do so, move to: 'My Account', find 'Language' option and select 'Polish' from the dropdown menu.
You will also need to confirm your administrator password before saving the changes.

Note: In case you have not uploaded the files correctly, 'Polish' language will not appear on the list to select.

PL 3.png
In order to set up a language choice for any other administrator, follow to: 'Setup' → 'Staff Management' → 'Administrator Users' and open the selected admin's details page.
PL 4.png
There, find the 'Language' option and select 'Polish' from the dropdown menu.

Do not forget to save the changes.

PL 4 1.png
From now, this administrator, once logged in, will navigate the WHMCS admin panel in Polish.
PL 4 2.png

Default Clients' Language

In order to change the language for all visitors and customers in your system, please follow the below steps:
  • Follow to: 'Setup' → 'General Settings' → 'Localisation'.
  • There find the 'Default Language' option and select 'Polish'.

Remember to save the changes.

PL 5.png
Underneath, there is also an option: 'Enable Language Menu'.

Make sure this option is enabled if you want to allow visitors to choose the language in your client area.

Important: If enabled, clients may always freely change the language even if an administrator has previously set up a different language for them in general settings.

PL 6.png
If you aim to set up the language for a single client, please follow the below steps:
  • Follow to: 'WHMCS' → 'Clients' → 'View/Search Client' → 'Client Profile' → 'Profile'.
  • There find the 'Language' option and select 'Polish'.

Remember to save the changes.

From that moment, the client, when enters your client area, will have it open in polish!

PL 7.png

Language in Client Area

Every client may alter the language by themselves directly, when logged into client area account.

In the top, right corner, there is a language configuration dropdown. Press and select 'Polish'/'Polski' language.
The language of your WHMCS client area account will be altered immediately. There is no need to save or confirm the changes.

PL 8.png
Of course, unlogged users and guests may also enter your client area with the language of their wish!

The option to change it is located at the very same place, that is top, right corner.

PL 9.png
From now, your clients may continue with the language of their choice!
PL 10.png

Geolocation Hook Integration

You are also given a unique opportunity to automatically switch the language in your client area for your clients and which is more surprising, even guests!

All you need to do is download our Geolocation Hook For WHMCS which is completely free of charge!
Configure it to change the client area language according to the visitor's location IP address based and let your clients work with ease on the system in their mother tongue!


1. Polish Language Translation For WHMCS files may be edited and updated according to your needs.

It is advised to use a copy of the file to avoid overwriting your changes when an updated version is uploaded. You can also use Overrides for strings customizations.

2. Translation files do not cover email templates, reports and widgets translations as these are not included in the original english.php file.

If needed, they must be edited and translated directly in the system.

3. The content of Polish language translation files has been extended with commented out, original lines in English.

The original versions have been added to facilitate the process of introducing any changes in the translation.

4. Thanks to the 'Easy Translation' feature built into WHMCS, you can translate the names and descriptions of your products, groups, support departments or custom fields.

Due to specific functionality of this WHMCS feature, we recommend setting the 'Default Language', in 'Setup' → 'General Settings' → 'Localisation', to the English language for the time of performing the translation.
After you have prepared your own translations, you can change it back to Polish if you want it to be used by default in the system.
This way you can avoid inconsistency when switching from one language to another later on.

Common Problems

1. Please be assured that all existing language strings have been translated. Despite that, there might be places in your WHMCS where some lines appear in English.
That might be due to single deficiencies in original WHMCS language files, used template or other WHMCS settings. In such cases, please contact WHMCS team and report the issues.
2. There are single translation lines which are used in more than one place in the system. Due to the complexity of polish language, their translation might not be perfectly suitable in all situations.
3. The translation has been prepared for WHMCS V7.7.1. Despite that fact, it can be safely used with any other version, even WHMCS V5.

Yet, in such a situation you must be aware that some records translations might be missing as WHMCS deleted numerous no longer used lines.
All such missing records can be easily translated on your own, for example, using Overrides.

4. When using the Lagom theme, the client area may contain untranslated phrases in the form of function names (e.g. generals.my_dashboard, etc.).
This problem is caused by the lack of built-in support for the Polish language in the Lagom theme, which uses its own additional translations.

To fix this, you should add the missing phrases to this theme on your own using the method described here.

5. If you encounter a problem with encoding Polish characters in PDF invoices, check your font selection in 'Setup' → 'General Settings' → 'Invoices'.

By default, the selected PDF font family 'Helvetica' does not support Polish encoding. We recommend using 'Dejavusans', 'Freesans', or your custom font.

WHMCS Modules
WHMCS Widgets
cPanel Modules
Polish Language Translation For WHMCS