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How To Change WHMCS Module Design

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Read the below article carefully as it contains crucial information on how to adjust the module look to your needs and preferences.

Change Module Design

If you wish to alter the look of your module you have to modify the .tpl files using CSS.

These files can be found in the 'Templates' folder in the module directory. Mentioned files are uncounted and are available for you to freely adjust their content, no matter what type of a license you own.
There are only two requirements that you have to meet, that is: 1. You must be familiar with CSS on the basic level at least
2. The currently used template in client area is close to the one used by admin, that is 'Six' based or 'Twenty-one' based, as only these two are supported by ModulesGarden modules

If you fulfill these two requirements there is nothing on your way that can stop you from introducing any changes in modules look and feel on your own.

Template Integration

There is one more situation when you might want to introduce some changes in the module look, yet the theme you are currently using is already strongly customized and your basic knowlege of CSS is not sufficient. We are always here to help you! Every module in ModuleGarden offer, among many other featurs, has the one that in this situation will prove extremly beneficial - that is support for template customization.

What is template customization exactly?

Template editing is one of the means to obtain the result of the component work that is appropriate for each specific website. After picking a template that fits your site's needs, you can customize it to help bring your content to life ...

All you have to do is contact ModulesGarden supprot team and ask for deatilas of the Templatete integration offer. You will get any information on the offer and customized quotation.

Jeżeli admin sam nie może sobie poradzić z dostosowaniem wyglądu modułu do swojego motywu to niech zamówi u nas "Template Integration" i my (czy raczej RS Studio) mu to za dany hajs wykona. :D

WHMCS Modules
WHMCS Widgets
cPanel Modules