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Hosting Quota Notifications 1.X For WHMCS

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Revision as of 10:18, 30 May 2016 by Karolina (Talk | contribs)

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How To Solve Problems With Module License

In case you encounter any problems with the license, please read through the below points to find a solution.
1. Make sure your license key applies to the used license. For example:
  • If you had a trial version and then bought a full version (separately), then the license key must be changed.
  • If you own a trial version and then upgrade it to a full version, then a trial license key should be used.
2. Remove file: License_RENAME.php - if this file has not been removed and there are both files: License_RENAME.php and License_.php then licensing system will not work properly.
3. Make sure your license fiel format is correct.

Format pliku, jakiś czas temu chyba w 2014 była zmiana licensingu i po updacie do nowych modułów zmienił się format pliku license, bardzo mało zostało klientów, którzy mają dalej stary format, ale jak zrobia update to plik licencji np. dla DNS Manager powinien wyglądać tak:

 * Please provide your DNS Manager Module For WHMCS license below

Swego czsau na samym końcu był jeszcze znacznik "?>" czyli plik wygladał tak:

 * Please provide your DNS Manager Module For WHMCS license below
5. Firewall czy nie blokuje naszej domeny (
6. Czy ma wgrane wszystkie pliku modułu, jeśli nie ma to duże prawdopodobieństwo, że dostanie komunikat, który będzie wyglądał tak:

Order Accept Encountered Problems
License Invalid: MD5 Checksum Verification Failed

7. Jeśli zrobił update z DNS Manager v1 na DNS Manager V2 to będzie zły directory i wtedy najlepiej reissue z client area.
When you have any problems with module license and you are certain that license key is entered correctly in 'license.php' file, you can reissue it.

License reissuing solves about 95% of such problems. To to so, log in to your client area, choose product and click on 'Management Actions' 'Reissue License' .

If problem with your license persists, please contact our Support.

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