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Discount Center For WHMCS

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About Discount Center For WHMCS

Discount Center For WHMCS module allows you to set up discounts for products ordered in a defined combination or amount,
configure dependencies between discounts bundles and rules according to which products are counted in a cart and discounts applied.
The module also allows you to exclude some groups of clients from being charged with discounts or promote only new clients!
✔ Create Multiple Discounts For Products, Domains And Product Addons
✔ Create Multiple Quantity Discounts With Several Thresholds For Products, Domains And Product Addons
✔ View Discounts Summary
✔ Define Time For Which Client Is Considered As New
✔ View Discounts Logs
  • Discount Features:
✔ Define Promotional Items And Their Discounts
✔ Define Items Required By Discount To Apply
✔ Define Type And Value Of Discounts
✔ Define Clients For Which Discount Should Apply
✔ All Clients
✔ New Clients
✔ Chosen Clients And Client Groups
✔ Define If Discount Should Be One Time Or Recurring
  • Quantity Discount Features:
✔ Define Multiple Promotion Thresholds And Discount Values
✔ Define Items Counted For Thresholds
✔ Define Items For Which Discount Should Apply
✔ Only Items Counted For Thresholds
✔ More Expensive Than Specified Value
✔ Less Expensive Than Specified Value
✔ Chosen Items
✔ Define Clients For Which Discount Should Apply
✔ All Clients
✔ New Clients
✔ Chosen Clients And Client Groups
✔ Define If Discount Should Be One Time Or Recurring
  • General Info:
✔ Multi-Language Support
✔Supports WHMCS Templates Five and Six
✔ Supports WHMCS V5 and V6


This tutorial will show you how to successfully install and configure Discount Center For WHMCS.

We will guide you step by step through the whole installation and configuration process.

1. Log in to your client area and download Discount Center For WHMCS.
DC 1.png
2. Upload and extract the module into the main WHMCS directory.

Files in your WHMCS directory should look like on the following screen.

DC 2.png
3. When you install QuickBooks for the first time you have to rename 'license_RENAME.php' file.

File is located in 'modules/addons/discount_center/license_RENAME.php'. Rename it from 'license_RENAME.php' to 'license.php'.

DC 3.png
4. In order to configure your license key, you have to edit the previously renamed 'license.php' file.

Enter your license key between quotation marks as presented on the following screen. You can find your license key in your client area → 'My Products'.

DC 4.png
5. Now you have to activate the module in your WHMCS system.

Log in to your WHMCS admin area. Go to 'Setup' 'Addon Modules'. Afterwards, find 'Discount Center' and press 'Activate' button.

DC 5.png
6. In the next step you need to permit access to this module.

To do so, click on 'Configure' button, check required group of administrators and press 'Save Changes'.

DC 6.png
7. You have just successfully installed Discount Center For WHMCS!

You can access your module under 'Addons' 'Discount Center'.

DC 7.png


Discount Center For WHMCS has been created to help you vary your offer with personalized discounts that can be applied to chosen products and/or clients.
Configure advanced activation rules to make your offer the most attractive and competitive.

Configure Discounts

In order to configure your module properly, proceed to 'Addons' 'Discount Center' and start with setting up rules to offer discounts for your clients.

Standard Discounts

To start, move to 'Discounts' section. There, press 'Add New' button.
File:DC 9.png
You are moved to 'General' information page of the currently composed discount. Here you have to fill out the form to configure the rule.

Select the box to enable the discount (it will be put into practice immediately on creation, you may also configure this option under 'Settings' tab).
Name the discount and, the most importantly, declare promotional and required products.

Among 'Promotional Products' there can be of course products from your offer, addons and domains. According to a specified rule, pointed here items' price will be adequately
changed. Below, you can specify a list of 'Required Products' that a client must also have in the cart to be entitled to get the discount for promotional products.
Among them, there can be again products, addons and domains. In case a client does not have all of the required products in the cart, the discount won't be applied.
Surely, you may live these part blank if you do not demand any other products to be purchased at the time.
Press 'Next' to continue.

Note: you must select at least one promotional product to be allowed to move to the next step.

File:DC 10.png
Under 'Product Discounts' you have to set up discount rates for every product's pricing. To do so press the cross button as marked on the screen.
File:DC 11.png
Enter the discount value and select its type, it can be either percentage that will be counted from the price or a fixed amount by which the final price will be reduced.
Press 'Next' when ready.
File:DC 12.png

Activation Rules

Finally, you are moved to activation rules. Here you may decide which of your clients should be entitled to purchase products with a discount.
You may grant it to:
  • All all of your clients
  • Offer it to new clients only (move to 'Addons' → 'Discount Center' → 'Settings' section to define new clients)
  • Chosen clients only: enumerate specific clients or enter clients group name then all clients from this group will be given a discount.

Recurring Discounts - enable discount for recurring orders. if you do not select this option, then discount will be applies only once, when recurring payment is used,
then discount will be applied to the first payment. If this option is enabled then option is enabled to all recurring payments.

Press 'Save Changes' to confirm creation of the new discount.

File:DC 13.png
All available discounts are now visible, with their name and status. You may always change the status to disabled/enabled, edit the discount or delete it.
Use action buttons marked on the screen below to do so.
File:DC 8.png

Quantity Discounts

'Quantity Discounts' - offer different price depending on the amount of products in the cart. Press 'Add New' to begin.
File:DC 14.png
In 'General' section you have to name the new discount rule, enable (if you want to apply it immediately on creation) and select items that must be in the cart
to entitle the client to the discount. Among 'Required Products' there can be again products from your offer, addons and domains. According to the specified rule,
pointed here items' price will be adequately changed. Press 'Next' to continue.

Note: you must select at least one promotional product to be allowed to move to the next step.

File:DC 15.png
Under 'Quantity Discount' you have to decide when the discount will be applicable.
  • All Required Products - every product that is on the list of required will be charged with the discount
  • More Expensive - declare price limit and only more expensive of the products than the limit here will be charged with the discount
  • Less Expensive - declare the maximum price limit and only cheaper products than the limit declared here will be charged with the discount
  • Promotional Products - list items that the discount can be applied to (products/addons/domains)
File:DC 16.png
In this section you also have to set up 'Thresholds' - which means the minimum number of products, that must fulfill the above application rule, and that must be in the cart
of a single order. Specify a percentage discount for the threshold, you can set up more than one. Press '+' button to add more discounts possibilities.

When ready, press 'Next' to continue.

File:DC 17.png
Finally, you are moved to activation rules. Here just like in case of standard discounts, you may decide for which of your clients the discount should be entitled to purchase
products with a discount. You may grant it to all of your clients, offer it to new clients only or manually select desired usernames. It is also possible to enter client groups
names here and offer discounts to bundles of clients.
Press 'Save Changes' to confirm creation of the new discount.
File:DC 18.png
All available quantity discounts are now visible, with their name and status. You may always change the status to disabled/enabled, edit the discount or delete it.
Use action buttons marked on the screen below to do so.
DC 22.png

Additional Options


Under 'Settings' tab you must define a number of days a client will be considered 'New'. Such information is necessary when you select 'New - give promotion to new clients only'
option as 'Activation Rule' for any of your set up discounts. If you enter here for example 14, then if this option is selected for any of the discounts, clients with accounts
not older than 14 days will be taken into consideration while applying a discount.

'Hide Guide' here if you are already familiar with its content or uncheck to read it again.
'Autoapply Discounts' - if checked, all newly created discounts will be enabled. To change status will have to do that manually.

DC 19.png

Integration Code

There are two available variables that can be inserted into the order form summary file.
These are:
  1. {$dc_product_price} - Variable that allows a full product price to be displayed
  2. {$dc_addon_prices[$]} - Variable that allows a full addon price to be visible.

Open the order form you are currently using, for example 'Modern', find 'ordersummary.tpl' file and enter the above variables as shown below:

<tr><td>{$}</td><td class="text-right"> VARIABLE ONE {$producttotals.pricing.baseprice}</td></tr>
<tr><td>+ {$}</td><td class="text-right"> VARIABLE TWO </span>{/if} {$addon.recurring}</td></tr>

Please note that the below screen is just an example of variable usage, you may simply enter pure variable without any styles or change them according to your needs.
Be careful when you change the code snippets. If you are not sure how to change it, then consult it firstly with a professional.

DC 23.png
If entered correctly, your order summary will include the discounts applied, with the new price counted and the final price visible in the order summary.
DC 24.png


In 'Logs' tab there are enumerated information on any orders that discounts were applied to. Invoice number, discount ID and value.
DC 20.png
Clear all the entries or delete only some of them. Use buttons marked on the screen above.


On the dashboard you can find 'Summary' table with detailed statistics on applied discounts with the most frequently used ones and the highest amount granted.
Next to 'Summary' table, a chart can be found with number of discounts applied per specified period of time. You can display the chart per week, month or a year.
DC 21.png


The very last tab 'Documentation' once clicked will redirect you to the article you are currently reading!


1. If a client adds to the cart a product that can have more than one discount applied, then a higher discount is applied on the invoice.

Common Problems

1. When you have problems with connection, check whether your SELinux or firewall does not block ports.
WHMCS Modules
WHMCS Widgets
cPanel Modules
Discount Center For WHMCS