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Domains Reseller For WHMCS

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About Domains Reseller For WHMCS

Domains Reseller For WHMCS allows you to manage domains through registrar generated by our module.
  • Features:
✔ Set Different Rates For Different Payment Gateways (Percentage Or Fixed)
✔ Set Different Discounts For Different Payment Gateways (Percentage Or Fixed)
✔ Set Minimum Invoice Value To Charge Payments And Discounts
✔ Include/Exclude From Charges And Discounts Certain Clients
✔ Include/Exclude From Charges Certain Products, Addons, Domains And Other
✔ Automatic Conversion Of Charges And Discounts In Different Currencies
✔ PayPal Subscription Charging
✔ Apply Taxes On Charges
✔ Display/Hide Information About Additional Charges And Discounts During Ordering
✔ Integration With The Following Order Form Templates: Ajaxcart, Boxes, Cart, Comparison, Modern, Slider, Verticalsteps and Web20cart
  • Additionally:
✔ Easy Integration Which Automatically Adjusts To Each Order Form Template
✔ Multi-Language Support
✔ Supports WHMCS V5 and Later


This tutorial will show you how to successfully install and configure Domains Reseller For WHMCS.

We will guide you step by step through the whole installation and configuration process.

Main WHMCS Module Installation

1. Log in to your client area and download Domains Reseller For WHMCS.
2. Upload and extract the module into the main WHMCS directory.

Files in your WHMCS directory should look like this.

3. When you install Domains Reseller for the first time you have to rename 'license_RENAME.php' file.

File is located at 'modules/addons/domainsRegistrar/license_RENAME.php' . Rename it from 'license_RENAME.php' to 'license.php' .

4. In order to configure your license key, you have to edit a previously renamed 'license.php' file.'

Enter your licence key between quotation marks as presented on the following screen. You can find your license key at your client area → 'My Products' .

5. Now you have to activate the module in your WHMCS system.

Log in to your WHMCS admin area. Go to 'Setup' 'Addon Modules' . Afterwards find 'Domains Reseller' and press 'Activate' button.

6. In the next step you need to permit access to this module.

To do so click on 'Configure' button, tick 'Full Administrator' and press 'Save Changes' .

7. You have just successfully installed Domains Reseller!

You can access your module at 'Addons' 'Domains Reseller' .
Now it's time to set up registrar module, it will be used by your resellers registrar to manage domains.

8. Activate and configure registrar in 'Setup' 'Products/Services' 'Domains Registrar' .
9. Go to 'Setup' 'Products/Services' 'Domains Pricing' .

Add TLD, set pricing for it and choose automatic registrar you have just configured.

10. To generate registrar for your resellers, make sure 'module_generator' folder have chmod set to 777.

Folder is located in 'your_whmcs/modules/addons/domainsReseller/pages/' .

11. Go to Domains Reseller addon, switch to 'Configuration' tab.

Mark checkbox next to TLD you want to resell and press 'Save Changes' button.

12.Go to 'Module Generator' tab, enter module name into textbox and press 'Generate Module' button.
13. Downloading of module you have just generated will start shortly.

You can provide your reseller registrar module file or link to it. Link should apear right after module will be generated.
Save link and integration code marked on the screen below, because it will not apear again.
Remember that you have to provide integration code to your resellers.

Your Domains Reseller is ready to use!

Reseller WHMCS Module Installation

Below you can find instructions for installation of the registrar module.
1. Upload and extract registrar module into your WHMCS.
2. It's time to enter integration code you get from your provider.

Open 'additionaldomainfields.php' file located at 'includes/additionaldomainfields.php' .
Paste code you recived at end of the file, right before '?>' , as shown on the following screen.

3. Go to 'Setup' 'Products/Services' 'Domains Registrar' , find module you have just uploaded and press 'Activate' next to it.
4. Now, press 'Configure' button, enter 'User Email' and 'API Key' provided along with module.

Afterwards, press 'Save Changes' .

5. To continue, go to 'Setup' 'Products/Services' 'Domains Pricing' .

Set up TLD your provider allows you to resell, choose registrar you have just installed from dropdown menu and save it through pressing 'Save Changes' .

6. Afterwards, set pricing for your TLD. To do so, press 'Open Pricing' text.

It will open in new window, so make sure your browser will not block it.

7. Next, enter prices for specyfic actions. When you are done, press 'Save Changes' .

Congratulations, you have just successfully installed your registrar!


Configuration and Management

Domains Reseller For WHMCS allows your customers to resell domains on their own WHMCSes.


'Configuration' tab allows you to access basic settings of your Domain Reseller API
As you can see, you can disable API at all(1), disable API for new users(2) or autogenerate API keys for new users(3).

Note, that all changes should be saved, you can do it through pressing 'Save Changes' button.

To restrict acces to Domain Reseller API by IP adress simply choose 'Enable' from 'Restrict IP' dropdown menu.

New textfield should apear, enter IP adresses you want to whitelist, one IP adress per line.
At the end, pres 'Save Chanes' button.

Last, but not least thing you can do here is enabling TLD for resell.

It can be done simply by ticking TLD and pressing 'Save Changes' .



Common Problems

1. When you have problems with connection, check whether your SELinux or firewall is not blocking ports.
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Domains Reseller For WHMCS