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(Custom Fields)
(About CRM For WHMCS)
Line 41: Line 41:
|style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 30px;"|✔ Sent Email From Template Or Custom Message - Include Files And Quote
|style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 30px;"|✔ Send Email From Template Or Custom Message - Include Files And Quote
Line 123: Line 123:
|style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 30px;"|✔ Mutliple Access Levels
|style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 30px;"|✔ Multiple Access Levels
Line 129: Line 129:
|style="padding: 0px 0px 30px 30px;"|✔ Supports WHMCS V5.2 and Later
|style="padding: 0px 0px 30px 30px;"|✔ Supports WHMCS V5 Up To V5.3.14

Revision as of 08:30, 7 August 2015



CRM For WHMCS is a module created to expedite the management process of potential clients.

You will be able to add new contacts, define their type as a lead or a potential and create accounts directly in the addon.
The module will allow you to send automated notifications, create quotes and notes as well as add custom fields to leads' and potentials' profiles according to your needs.
Owing to the Import/Export function you will be able to make a backup or migrate the data between WHMCS systems.
What is more, all the information about leads and potentials will be shown in a graphic presentation in dashboard.
TIP: You can extend the functionality of CRM For WHMCS by integrating the module with Asterisk VoIP Center For WHMCS and Quotes Automation For WHMCS.

  • Addon Module Features:
✔ Create Leads And Potentials
✔ Convert Contact Types Between Lead And Potential
✔ Assign Client Account To The Contact
✔ Assign Admin To The Contact
✔ Quickly Edit Contact Details
✔ Add Follow-ups To The Contact
✔ Reschedule Follow-ups
✔ Add And Manage Contact's Notes
✔ Create Quotes For The Contact
✔ Send Email From Template Or Custom Message - Include Files And Quote
✔ Upload Files From The Contact Profile
✔ View Logs Concerning The Contact
✔ View Dashboard Containing Incoming Follow-ups
✔ View CRM Statistics And Graphs Concerning Contacts
✔ Access Leads/Potentials Page Allowing Customization Of Visible Columns And Their Order
✔ Upon Removing, The Contact Is Moved To The Archive Where It Can Be Restored From
  • Follow-up Features:
✔ Define Email Templates Used Per Follow-up Per Notification
✔ 4 Types Of Notifications: Admin ToDo, Client Notify, Admin Notify And Notify On The Creation
✔ Follow-up Type - Easier Determination Of Follow-up Purpose
✔ Admin To Notify - Defines Included Admins Per Notification Type
  • Addon Settings Features:
✔ View Module Status - Contains Status Of CRM Key Elements
✔ Define Whether To Use Potentials, Quotes Or Admin Assignment
✔ Define Follow-up Types And Default Admin Notifications Email Templates
✔ Disable Hours And Minutes In A Follow-up Date Selector
✔ Add And Manage Custom Fields - Text, Textarea, Dropdown And Checkbox
✔ Configure Default View Of Leads And Potentials Lists - Visibility And Order In Columns
✔ Create CRM Email Templates
✔ Map Fields - Automatically Fill Out Form With Appropriate Values
✔ Import/Export Contacts In CSV File Format
✔ View Information About CRM Cron
✔ Learn More About CRM API
  • Admin Area Features:
✔ WHMCS Support Tickets System - Create Lead, Quickly View Its Details And Move To The CRM Contact Profile
✔ WHMCS Quotes - Quotes Created From The CRM Profile Will Be Automatically Assigned To The Contact
  • General Info:
✔ Integrated With Asterisk VoIP Center For WHMCS - Call Your Clients At Any Time (read more)
✔ Integrated With Quotes Automation For WHMCS - Extend Your Quotes Possibilities (read more)
✔ Multiple Access Levels
✔ Multi-Language Support
✔ Supports WHMCS V5 Up To V5.3.14


This tutorial will show you how to successfully install and configure CRM For WHMCS.

We will guide you step by step through the whole installation and configuration process.


1. Log in to your client area and download CRM For WHMCS.
File:CRM 1.png
2. Upload and extract the module into the main WHMCS directory.

Files in your WHMCS directory should look like on the following screen.

File:CRM 2.png
3. When you install CRM for the first time you have to rename 'license_RENAME.php' file.

File is located in 'modules/addons/mgCRM/license_RENAME.php'. Rename it from 'license_RENAME.php' to 'license.php'.

CRM 3.png
4. In order to configure your license key, you have to edit the previously renamed 'license.php' file.

Enter your license key between quotation marks as presented on the following screen. You can find your license key in your client area → 'My Products'.

CRM 4.png

Activate The Addon

5. Now you have to activate the module in your WHMCS system.

Log in to your WHMCS admin area. Go to 'Setup' 'Addon Modules'. Afterwards, find 'CRM' and press 'Activate' button.

File:CRM 6.png
6. In the next step you need to permit access to this module.

To do so, click on 'Configure' button, tick checkboxes to assign desired admin roles.
Ticking Access Control is required to access the module.
Sales Management Privileges Group - gives ability to manage each Lead and Potential.
Additionally, access to the dashboard with stats of each staff member and ability to export contacts.
Full Administrator Privileges Group - access to everything. All settings are available only for this group, except importing contacts.
Now, press 'Save Changes'.

File:CRM 7.png

Basic Configuration

7. Now, you have to set up a cron job, which can be found in CRM addon → 'Settings' 'Cron'.

We advise to set up the cron as frequently as possible to send email notifications, 5 minutes interval is recommended.

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8. You have just successfully installed CRM For WHMCS!

You can access your module in 'Addons' 'CRM'.

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Configuration and Management

CRM For WHMCS is a module which allows you and your staff to manage relations with your current as well as possible clients in one place.


Due to the wide variety of possible configurations, we start 'Management' section with 'Settings' sub-section to make the presentation more precise.

In 'Settings' page of the module you can check current module status, enable major features and define follow-ups' settings.

File:CRM 10.png
Under Module Status you can find information about:
  • Integration with Asterisk VoIP Center For WHMCS
  • Cron job setup
  • Number of CRM email templates
  • Storage folder used by the module

General Settings allow you to decide whether to enable potentials, quotations and admin assignment across CRM.

File:CRM 11.png
Under Dashboard Configuration you can set:
  • Lead's Statuses - statuses of leads to be displayed in the Dashboard.
  • Potential's Statuses - potential statuses which are displayed in the Dashboard.

Follow-ups Settings allow you to define:

  • Follow-ups per Day - if marked, date selector will not ask you for the hour and minutes.
  • Follow-up Types - used to sort follow-ups in the Lead and Potential pages.
  • Follow-up Reminder Email - email template used to send notifications to admins about upcoming follow-ups.
  • Reschedule Follow-up Notification Email - email template used to send notifications to admins about rescheduled follow-ups.
File:CRM 12.png


Our module allows you to connect with it through API to command various operations.

All available commands are listed in 'API' page, which can be accessed in 'Settings' 'API'.

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In 'Cron' page you can find all the information about the cron such as its path, last run date and interval between cron runs.
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Custom Fields

'Custom Fields' enables you to define custom fields for Lead and Potential, and define whether they are required or not.

Additionally, you can manage existing fields and change their order through using buttons in 'Actions' column.
To add a new field, press 'Add New Field'.

File:CRM 15.png
Each field, regardless of its type, has its name, description, visibility in Leads and Potentials details, and obviously its type.

Additionally, depending on the chosen type there are additional options available:

  • text - 'Required For Lead' , 'Required For Potentials' , 'Validation Regex' and 'Validation Error'.
  • textarea - 'Required For Lead' , 'Required For Potentials' , 'Validation Regex' and 'Validation Error'.
  • dropdown - 'Field Options'.
  • checkbox - this field type has no additional options.

On the following screen you can see an example of a dropdown type custom field.
To add a field, press 'Create Field'.

File:CRM 16.png

Fields Map

'Fields Map' allows you to bond CRM fields with client profile fields.

This way during creation lead from client's ticket or client from lead mapped fields will be automatically filled.

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Field Views

'Field Views' allows you to define default order and visibility of fields in the main pages of Leads and Potentials.

To change the order, drag & drop chosen fields to a desired position.
To show/hide the field, mark/unmark checkbox next to it.
Press 'Save' to keep the settings.

File:CRM 17.png

Email Templates

Here you can view the list of previously created CRM email templates and edit each of them.

Additionally, you are able to create a new CRM email template, which afterwards can be used for follow-ups.
To start creation of a new template, fill in its name and press 'Create Email Template' .

File:CRM 18.png
As you can see, you have been moved to default WHMCS email templates creation form.

Save the template when you complete it.

File:CRM 19.png
CRM email templates can be also viewed, edited and removed as any other custom email template.

Simply, proceed to 'Setup' 'Email Templates' , they are stored under 'CRM Messages' section.

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Our module enables you to export and import your Leads and Potentials.

This way you can migrate them between two WHMCS systems and make backups of your Leads, Potentials and contacts stored in archive.
Under 'Available Fields' section you can find parameters used by imported/exported files, they depend on the custom fields added to your CRM.

File:CRM 21.png
In order to export contacts, press 'Download As CSV' under 'Export' section.
File:CRM 22.png
'Import' section contains the last uploaded import file as well as possibility to upload a new one.

Imported file will not affect contacts until you press 'Import' button. Contacts from the imported file will be added to your Leads and Potentials.

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In 'Dashboard' you can find the overall information such as scheduled follow-ups, Leads and Potentials of chosen status and graphs concerning them.
File:CRM 24.png
From the 'Dashboard' you can quickly reschedule any follow-up or even remove them completely.

To view follow-ups from other day, press it in the calendar.

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Your contacts can be either stored in Leads, or divided between Leads and Potentials.

Both pages contain the same features, Potentials can be enabled/disabled in the module settings and introduced to allow separation of more important contacts.

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The list of contacts is fully modifiable, to show/hide columns, simply press 'Change columns' and mark/unmark checkbox next to a desired column.

To restore default settings, press 'Revert to original visibility' .

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Additionally, you can change columns sequence, simply drag & drop a column to a desired location.

Default settings can be restored by pressing 'Revert to original visibility' in 'Change columns' dropdown menu.

File:CRM 29.png
To make your life easier, we have also implemented search filters, press 'Show Filters' / 'Hide Filters' to display/hide them.

Next, fill in the details of a contact, displayed contacts will be updated in the process.

File:CRM 30.png

Create Contact

To add a new contact, press 'Create Lead' as shown on the following screen.
File:CRM 31.png
As you can see, fields are divided into two sections depending on whether they are required or optional.

Additionally, any custom field visible for lead will be displayed here.
Fill out the form and press 'Create Lead' to add the contact to the list.
Note: Staff members with full privileges can also assign admins to the contacts.

File:CRM 32.png

Manage Contacts

In 'Actions' column you can find various useful operations which can be performed on a contact.

As you can see, in 'Other' dropdown menu, actions such as 'Convert To Potential' , 'Call Out' and 'Remove' can be found.
'Note: 'Call Out' functionality requires from you to have Asterisk VoIP Center For WHMCS installed and configured properly.

File:CRM 33.png
Now, let's proceed to the contact itself.

Press 'Details' to continue.

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Base Details

In the area marked on the following screen, you can find contact name, status, ticket from which it was created and contact's basic details.
File:CRM 35.png
Contact's name and status can be changed by pressing pencil icon next to each of them, altering the name/status and pressing 'Update Name' / 'Update Status' button.

On the following screen you can see contact's name pencil and status form visible after the status pencil was pressed.

File:CRM 36.png
If option is enabled in the module settings, admin can be assigned to a contact.

Press 'Assign' , choose admin from a dropdown menu and press 'Save' to do so.

File:CRM 37.png
To edit fields in 'Main Details' press 'Edit' button as shown below.

After you make wanted changes, press 'Save' .

File:CRM 38.png
Module also allows assignment of a client account to the contact.

This can be done in two ways, by creating a new client from a contact or by assigning existing client to a contact.

File:CRM 39.png


Follow-ups allow you to send email templates to contacts and staff members, and create ToDo entries.

Any follow-up can be removed or rescheduled using buttons in the 'Actions' column.
You can search for the desired follow-up using search box and sorting by one of the columns.

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To add a new follow-up, press 'Create Follow-up' .
File:CRM 41.png
Start by filling the main options out.

Here you can define:

  • Date - (required) time when the notifications will be sent.
  • Description - (required) short description of a follow-up, it will be afterwards visible in the follow-up list.
  • Follow-up Type - allows you to define the type of a follow-up for easier determination of its purpose.
  • Sales Admin - admin whom ToDo entry will be assigned.
  • Add To Admin ToDo List - add ToDo entry to the notification with the ToDo entry due date, which is equal to follow-up 'Date' .
File:CRM 42.png
The last step is defining notification, we will discuss each of them below.
  • Invitation Email - email will be sent to the contact upon follow-up creation.
    • 'Email Template' - email template used in the email sent to the client.
    • 'CC' - admins whose emails will be injected into the email sent to the client.
    • 'Reply To' - admin whose email will be used as email reply to field.
  • Contact Reminder - email will be sent to the contact upon follow-up date.
    • 'Email Template' - email template used in the email sent to the client.
    • 'CC' - admins whose emails will be injected into the email sent to the client.
    • 'Reply To' - admin whose email will be used as email reply to field.
  • Admin Reminder - an email will be sent to the specified admins selected time before the follow-up date.
    • 'Admin To Notify' - this field enables you to add multiple administrators to whom reminders will be sent.
    • 'Select Time' - define amount and type (minutes/hours/days) of time before due date, upon which emails will be sent.

Press 'Create Follow-up' to save the follow-up.
Important: Remember, after creation of a follow-up you will not be able to modify any setting, except its date.

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'Notes' enables you to make and manage notes about the contact.

On the following screen you can see how to add an exemplary note.

File:CRM 44.png
Any existing note can be modified and removed as presented below.
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Quotes can be created for any CRM contact.

As you can see on the screen below, in the 'Quotes' section of the contact page, brief information about quotes assigned to the contact is displayed.
Additionally, you can edit any of those quotes through using buttons in 'Actions' column.

File:CRM 46.png
You can also create a new quote for the contact, press 'Create Quote' as shown on the following screen.
File:CRM 47.png
Now, create a quote for your contact.

You can do it in two ways, if a client is assigned to the contact, they will be automatically linked to the quote.
Otherwise, module will ask you to fill in a new client account details from to complete quote.
In the second scenario, client account will not be created in the process, unless you use 'Convert to Invoice' functionality.
Important: For extended functionality related to quotes we recommend our Quotes Automation For WHMCS.
It extends quotes with functionalities like adding product addons and domains to the quote, their automatic provision, and quote acceptance from the client area.

File:CRM 48.png


'Files' tab allows you to upload and manage files related to your contact.

To upload a new file, press 'Select File', uploading will start as soon as you choose the file to upload.

File:CRM 49.png
Any uploaded file can be downloaded from the CRM by pressing its name.

It can be also removed by clicking on 'Delete' button as shown on the following screen.

File:CRM 50.png

Send Email

Any staff member can send an email from the contact's profile.

As you can see, you can manually fill out email subject and content.

File:CRM 50 1.png
Alternatively, you can choose one of email templates to send.

Whatever way you choose, you can choose address to send from, as well as attach files and quotes.

File:CRM 50 2.png


To view the latest actions performed on the contact, go to 'Logs' tab.

As you can see, it contains all details you might want to find in the logs.
In order to view full log for selected contact, press 'Show All Logs' .

File:CRM 51.png
'Logs' page, apart form displaying all the logs concerning the contact, contains searchbox.

Using the search option you can find logs of actions performed by specific administrators, at desired time and concerning desired actions.
On the following screen we were searching logs of records made on 25th November 2014 at 2PM, to do so, we have used brackets made of '"' signs.

File:CRM 52.png


'Statistics' contains graph concerning your leads and potentials.

Among the graphs, there can be distinguished graphs showing for example: the number of Leads and Potentials per status, new contacts per admin, per month and per day.
Additionally, administrators with extended permissions are able to view statistics of chosen administrators.

File:CRM 52 1.png


Our module offers additional integration in your WHMCS support tickets system.

As you can see on the screen below, your support operators can convert tickets directly into Lead.
This way you can track relations with your valuable clients.

CRM 53.png
Any ticket of such client will be displayed with contact name, status and assigned staff member.

Additionally, after pressing 'Lead Details' / 'Potential Details' extended information about the contact will be displayed in a popup.
Note: Any contact can be transferred between being lead and potential from the ticketing system as shown below (blue arrow).

CRM 54.png
Your staff will be also able to quickly move to the contact profile in CRM For WHMCS by pressing 'Show Lead' / 'Show Potential' .
CRM 55.png

Asterisk VoIP Center For WHMCS Integration

Integration with Asterisk VoIP Center For WHMCS extends your possibilities with ability to originate calls to your CRM contacts.

As soon as you install the module, you can originate a call by pressing 'Call Out' button.
If everything is set up correctly, you should see something similar to the screen below.

CRM 56.png


In order to familiarize you with the module even more, we are presenting here an example workflow.

In the beginning, let's point the differences between privileges groups:

  • Full Privileges Group - access to everything. 'Settings' tab is available only for this group.
  • Sales Manager - ability to manage each Lead and Potential. Additionally, access to the dashboard with stats of each staff member and ability to export contacts.
  • Sales Person - he can maintain only his own Leads and Potentials. Dashboard with only his stats.

On the following screen you can see the settings for each of the groups.

  • Full Administrator - Full Privileges Group
  • Sales Manager - Sales Manager
  • Sales Person - Sales Person
CRM 57.png

Let's say we have admin X with full privileges and admin Y who has sales person privileges.
1. Admin X obtains a new contact, which is called Company X and creates Lead profile in CRM.
Additionally, he assigns admin Y to the Company X and leaves some notes in the profile.
2. Admin Y can now read these notes and choose newsletters and promotion notifications from email templates.
He sets them as a follow-ups spread over the next two weeks. Luckily, one of the newsletters draws the attention of Company X.
3. They respond to the newsletter, so that, admin Y changes this contact type to Potential.
This way he can track the relation with that contact better.
4. After a few emails with Company X, admin Y decides to prepare an interesting offer for the contact in the form of a quote.
5. Once the quote has been accepted, admin Y creates client account for the contact.
Additionally, owing to the integration with Quotes Automation For WHMCS, he is able to quickly generate the invoice & the order from the quote.
6. The following month a few more offers are accepted, and both your company and Company X benefit from it.
7. All the time admins X and Y can easily track their contact with Company X.
Thanks to the quotes in the contact profile they can see current offers made for Company X.
While notes and files can give more information about progress in making current agreements.


Common Problems

1. When you have problems with connection, check whether your SELinux or firewall does not block ports.
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