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(How To Solve Problems With License)
(How To Solve Problems With License)
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==How To Solve Problems With License==
==How To Solve Problems With License==
|style="padding: 10px 0px 20px 15px;"|When you have problems with license and you are certain that license key is entered correctly in 'license.php' file, you can reissue it.
|style="padding: 10px 0px 20px 15px;"|'''When you have problems with license and you are certain that license key is entered correctly in 'license.php' file, you can reissue it.'''
|style="padding: 0px 0px 30px 25px;"|[[File:G1.png]]
|style="padding: 0px 0px 30px 25px;"|[[File:G1.png]]

Revision as of 12:53, 31 July 2013

How To Change Module Language

Please note that not all of our modules have Multi-Language Support.

1. Changing module language is very simple. First of all, go to 'lang' folder located in your module or templates directory (dependant on the module).

Now copy 'english.php' file and rename it to your desired language, for example 'spanish.php' .

2. Now you can enter to your newly created file and easily replace particular sentences.

For presentation purposes we changed ['manage header'] from 'Manage' to 'Ordenar' . Don't forget to save the changes.

3. Now you can change the language in two ways:
  • Through changing client's language in your WHMCS system:
  • Through changing language directly in the client area (keep in mind that customers can change their language anytime they want):
4. As you can see on the following screen the header has changed to 'Ordenar' owing to our changes.
That's all, from now on you shouldn't have any problems with changing language in our modules.

How To Debug Module

If the procedure described below doesn't work for you, please report this to our Support Team.

When you are experiencing white page or the module is not working as it should, you can enable debug mode that prints all the PHP errors on the screen.
To do so, enter the URL you are experiencing the issue with and add the additional parameter '_debug=turnon' . For example:

To disable debug mode, simply call the same parameter but with the value turnoff. For example:

If you will get the error as shown on the screen below, please make sure that you are using the correct parameter and you have sufficient privileges.

How To Solve Problems With License

When you have problems with license and you are certain that license key is entered correctly in 'license.php' file, you can reissue it.
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