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Domains Reseller For WHMCS

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About Domains Reseller For WHMCS

Domains Reseller For WHMCS is allows you to resell your TLDs with ease.

With our module's help you will be able to easily manage your resellers and allow them to instantly start reselling domains directly to their own clients.
Our product offers you your own API which can be used by your resellers to resell your domains in other systems and platforms!

  • Domains Reseller - Provider Features:
✔ Your Own API For Domains Reselling
✔ Domain Registrar Module Generator For WHMCS
✔ Enable/Disable API
✔ Restrict IP
✔ Auto Disable API For New Users
✔ Auto Generate API Key For New Users
✔ Choose TLDs Enabled For API
✔ List Of Clients With Possibility To Generate/Remove/Enable/Disable The API Key
✔ Generate/Enable/Disable API Keys For All Users
✔ Filtering API Users Per Firstname, Lastname And E-mail
✔ Assign Promocode To Users
✔ API Knowledgbase Generator
✔ API Logs With Filtering
  • API Functionality:
✔ Register Domain
✔ Transfer Domain
✔ Renew Domain
✔ Get EPP Code
✔ Update Nameservers
✔ Modify Contact Details
✔ Registrar Lock
✔ Release Domain
  • Additionally:
✔ Orders Paid By Resellers' Credit
✔ Reseller Can Manage API From The WHMCS Client Area
✔ Multi-Language Support
✔ Supports WHMCS V5 and Later


This tutorial will show you how to successfully install and configure Domains Reseller For WHMCS.

We will guide you step by step through the whole installation and configuration process.

Provider WHMCS Module Installation

1. Log in to your client area and download Domains Reseller For WHMCS.
2. Upload and extract the module into the main WHMCS directory.

Files in your WHMCS directory should look like this.

3. When you install Domains Reseller for the first time you have to rename 'license_RENAME.php' file.

File is located at 'modules/addons/domainsReseller/license_RENAME.php' . Rename it from 'license_RENAME.php' to 'license.php' .

4. In order to configure your license key, you have to edit a previously renamed 'license.php' file.'

Enter your licence key between quotation marks as presented on the following screen. You can find your license key at your client area → 'My Products' .

5. Edit 'header.tpl' file located at 'your_whmcs/templates/default/header.tpl' .

Add this code:

<li><a href="index.php?m=domainsReseller">Reseller Registrar Credentials</a></li><br />


<li><a href="domainchecker.php">{$LANG.navwhoislookup}</a></li>

Take a look at the screenshot below and verify your changes:

6. Now you have to activate the module in your WHMCS system.

Log in to your WHMCS admin area. Go to 'Setup' 'Addon Modules' . Afterwards find 'Domains Reseller' and press 'Activate' button.

7. In the next step you need to permit access to this module.

To do so click on 'Configure' button, tick 'Full Administrator' and press 'Save Changes' .

8. You have just successfully installed Domains Reseller!

You can access your module at 'Addons' 'Domains Reseller' .
Now it's time to set up registrar module, it will be used by your resellers registrar to manage domains.

9. Activate and configure registrar at 'Setup' 'Products/Services' 'Domains Registrar' .
10. Go to 'Setup' 'Products/Services' 'Domains Pricing' .

Add TLD, set pricing for it and choose automatic registrar you have just configured.

11. To generate registrar for your resellers, make sure that 'module_generator' folder have chmod set to '755' or '777'.

Folder is located in 'your_whmcs/modules/addons/domainsReseller/pages/ ' .

12. Go to Domains Reseller addon and switch to 'Configuration' tab.

Mark checkbox next to TLD you want to resell and press 'Save Changes' button.

13. In 'Module Generator' tab enter module name into textbox and press 'Generate Module' button.
14. Downloading of module you have just generated will start shortly.

You can provide your reseller registrar module file or link to it. Link should appear right after generating of the module.
Save link and installation instruction marked on the screen below, it will not appear again.
Note that you have to provide integration code (step 5. of installation instructions) to your resellers.

15. Now you have to generate API key for your client. To do so, go to 'API Users' tab.

Afterwards, press 'Generate API Key' next to user you want to generate API key for.
Note that API key and user email are needed as credentials in registrar module you have just generated.

Your Domains Reseller module is ready to use!

Your clients can use their registrars as soon as they install them on their WHMCS and add credits on their accounts in your WHMCS.

Reseller WHMCS Module Installation

Below you can find instructions for installation of the registrar module on reseller WHMCS.
1. Upload and extract registrar module into your WHMCS.
2. It's time to enter integration code that you got from your provider.

Open 'additionaldomainfields.php' file located at 'includes/additionaldomainfields.php' .
Paste a code you recived at the end of the file, right before '?>' , as shown on the following screen.

3. Go to 'Setup' 'Products/Services' 'Domains Registrar' , find module you have just uploaded and press 'Activate' next to it.
4. Now, press 'Configure' button, enter 'User Email' and 'API Key' provided along with module.

Afterwards, press 'Save Changes' .

5. To continue, go to 'Setup' 'Products/Services' 'Domains Pricing' .

Set up TLD your provider allows you to resell, choose registrar you have just installed from a dropdown menu and save it through pressing 'Save Changes' .

6. Afterwards, set pricing for your TLD. To do so, press 'Open Pricing' text.

It will open in new window, so make sure your browser will not block it.

7. Next, enter prices for specific actions. When you are done, press 'Save Changes' .
8. Congratulations, you have just successfully installed your registrar!

You can start using registrar as soon as you add credits to your account on provider WHMCS.
If you order domain using this registrar, you should see in your admin area something similar to the screen below.


Configuration and Management

Domains Reseller For WHMCS allows your customers to resell domains on their own WHMCS.


'Configuration' tab allows you to access general settings of your Domain Reseller API.
We will describe these options below.

1. 'API Status ' - Enable/Disable Domains Reseller API.
2. 'Reseller White List' - If your reseller ID is entered, he will be allowed to complete action after he pays for the invoice.
3. 'Auto Disable API For New Users' - API will be disabled for newly created clients.
4. 'Auto Generate API Key For New Users' - API Key will be generated automatically when client account is created.
5. 'SSL Connection' - You can define here, if connection to your API will use SSL or not. When you change it, you need to generate new registrars for your's resellers.
6. 'Low Credit Notification' - Notification to your client will be send when credit balance on client's account falls below entered value.
Note: All changes should be saved, you can do it through pressing 'Save Changes' button.

To restrict access to Domains Reseller API by IP address, simply choose 'Enable' from 'Restrict IP' dropdown menu.

New textfield should appear, enter IP adresses you want to whitelist, one IP address per line.
At the end, press 'Save Chanes' button.

Last, but not the least important thing you can do here is enabling TLD for resell.

It can be done simply by ticking TLD and pressing 'Save Changes' .



In 'API' tab you can find a lot of information about Domains Reseller API, as well as generate and share API knowledgebase.


'Introduction' subtab contains information about actions supported by the API.


In this subtab you can read about request and response data format as well as authentication.

You can also find link to the API here.



Here you can find an examplary API request and response.


'Knowledgebase' subtab allows you to generate API knowledgebase for your resellers in your WHMCS client area and locate link to it (if already generated).
When your client follows the link to knowledgebase he should see something similar to the screen below.

API Users

At 'API Users' tab you can manage all aspects related to your resellers.

For your convenience we also implemented filters, you can use them to find specific user or group of users.

You can assign promotion code to a single user (1), generate new key for him (2) or disable API for him (3).
Our module also allows performing these actions for all clients at once.

Assigning Promotion Codes

You can create and assign promotion codes to your users.

Firstly, go to 'Setup' 'Payments' 'Promotions' and press 'Create New Promotion' .

Afterwards, press 'Auto Generate Code' , select type from a dropdown menu, enter value and save through pressing 'Save Changes' .
Your promotion is ready to use, letąs assign it to some user.

To do so, go to 'Addon' 'Domains Reseller' 'API User' and press 'Assign Promocode' next to user you want assign the promotion for.

Now select promotion you just created and press 'Save Changes' .
You should see, that promotion code appeared next to the client, as shown on the following screen.

API Logs

You can display logs of request to API. As well as response to these requests and information about who sent request to API.

You can find desired log using filters. Fields left empty will not be considered during search.


Module Generator

Rebranding registrar product has never been easier. With our generator all you have to do is enter name for it and press 'Generate Module' .
As soon as you do that, module will be generated. Save link to it and copy installation instructions.

As soon as new module is generated, integration code for it will appear as 5. step of installation instruction.
It is crucial to save the code and deliver it to resellers in installation instructions along with link to the module.



This tab is a hyperlink. It leads to Domains Reseller For WHMCS Wiki article you are currently reading.

Email To Reseller

Email to your reseller should consist of:

1. Registrar module you generated or link to download it.
2. Installation instructions (with integration code).
3. Connection credentials (with user API key and email).

Provider WHMCS Client Area

Resellers can manage API connection credentails directly from the provider WHMCS client area.

To do so, go to 'Domains' 'Reseller Registrar Credentials' .

As you can see, you can find all the information linked with your registrar.

To view your API key, press 'Show' button.

If your API key was exposed, generate new one through pressing 'Generate Key' .

End User Client Area

Domains Reseller allows end user to register/transfer/renew domain.

Client can also manage contact information (1), private nameservers (2), domain DNS records (3) and email forwarding (4).

File:DR33 1.png


1. If you forget to save link to registrar module you generated or integration code for it, don't worry, there is a way!

Simply generate module with the same name and save what you forgot to save last time.

2. If your reseller get error 'Unable to register domain, please contact administration (license problem).' , that means your license is invalid or expired.
3. Remember to not to block access to 'domainsResellerAPI' catalog by your '.htaccess' file.

Common Problems

1. When you have problems with connection, check whether your SELinux or firewall is not blocking ports.
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Domains Reseller For WHMCS