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Hosting Quota Notifications 1.X For WHMCS

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Revision as of 10:18, 31 March 2016


About Support Tickets Limiter For WHMCS

Support Tickets Limiter For WHMCS will allow you to control the access to your support and charge fees for creating tickets in certain departments.

The module enables your clients to purchase products and product addons containing support credit points used for creating support tickets in chosen departments.

  • Module Features:
✔ Add Support Credit Points Upon Ordering Specified Product Or Addon - Depending On Applied Rule
✔ Remove Fixed Number Of Support Credit Points Upon Ticket Creation
✔ Block Possibility To Create Tickets When Client Has Insufficient Number Of Support Credit Points
✔ Store And Manage Support Credit Points Per Department
  • Admin Area Features:
✔ Define Number Of Support Credit Points Required To Open Ticket - According To Chosen Department And Priority
✔ Create/Edit/Remove Rules
✔ Enable/Disable Rules
✔ View Support Credit Points Owned By Clients
✔ Modify Number Of Support Credit Points Owned By Clients
  • Client Area Features:
✔ Order Support Credit Points
✔ View Available Support Credit Points Per Ticket Department
✔ View Number Of Support Credit Points Required To Open Ticket - According To Chosen Department And Priority
  • Rules Configuration:
✔ Set Rule Type - Product/Product Group/Product Addon
✔ Define Items Upon Ordering Which, Support Credit Points Are Added To Client's Account
✔ Define Number Of Support Credit Points That Client's Account Shall Be Increased By
✔ Define To Which Department Support Credit Points Should Be Added
✔ Define Whether Support Credit Points Are Added To Client's Account After Each Billing Cycle Or Once Only
✔ View Rule Status
  • General Info:
✔ Multi-Language Support
✔ Supports WHMCS Templates Five and Six
✔ Supports WHMCS V5 and V6


This tutorial will show you how to successfully install and configure Support Tickets Limiter For WHMCS.

We will guide you step by step through the whole installation and configuration process.

1. Log in to your client area and download Support Tickets Limiter For WHMCS.
File:STL 1.png
2. Upload and extract the module into the main WHMCS directory.

Files in your WHMCS directory should look like these.

File:STL 2.png
3. When you install Support Tickets Limiter for the first time you have to rename 'license_RENAME.php' file.

File is located in 'modules/addons/SupportTicketsLimiter/license_RENAME.php'. Rename it from 'license_RENAME.php' to 'license.php' .

File:STL 3.png
4. In order to configure your license key, you have to edit a previously renamed 'license.php' file.

Enter your license key between quotation marks as presented on the following screen. You can find your license key in your client area → 'My Products'.

File:STL 4.png
5. Now you have to activate the module in your WHMCS system.

Log in to your WHMCS admin area. Go to 'Setup' 'Addon Modules'. Afterwards, find 'Support Tickets Limiter' and press 'Activate' button.

File:STL 5.png
6. In the next step you need to permit access to this module.

To do so click on 'Configure' button, tick 'Access Control' near desired admin role groups and press 'Save Changes'.

File:STL 6.png
7. Proceed to 'Addons' 'Support Tickets Limiter' 'Integration Code' and follow steps listed there.
File:STL2 7.png
8. You have just successfully installed Support Tickets Limiter For WHMCS!

Configuration and Management

At this section we will show you possibilities of Support Tickets Limiter For WHMCS.

Our module allows you to limit the quantity of new support tickets through introducing Support Credit Points.
Those Support Credit Points will be required to open new tickets.
The amount of Support Credit Points required to do so may vary depending on tickets' status and department they are created in.
Support Credit Points may be obtained along with your products or by ordering special products or product addons.

Rules List

Rules section defines which products or product addons your clients can receive Support Credit Points for.

Additionally, they define which department they can be spent in and if they are granted one time or with product's each billing cycle.
As you can see, basic information related to the rules is listed in the 'Rules List' tab.

File:STL2 9.png
You can view items assigned to the rule as well as departments, which Support Credit Points will be granted to, by pressing buttons marked on the following screen.
File:STL2 10.png
Additionally, you can easily manage each of the rules by using buttons in the 'Actions' column.
File:STL2 11.png

Add Rule

Let us add a new rule, press 'Add Rule' to proceed.
File:STL2 12.png
Step 1. Fill in rule name and select rule type through pressing 'Select' button next to the desired item.

Item type selected here defines the type of the item, for ordering which, your clients receive Support Credit Points.

File:STL2 13.png
Step 2. Select items which order and activation result in receiving Support Credit Points.

Alternatively, you can switch 'Select All' to 'On' , then, this rule will be applied to all items in the selected items type.
Press 'Next' or 'Step 3' to continue.

File:STL2 14.png
Step 3. Now, define departments to apply Support Credit Points to by selecting desired ones or switching 'Select All' to 'On'

Next, select billing options for this rule, fill in amount of Support Credit Points added by the rule and select the rule status.
Confirm creation of this rule through pressing 'Finish' button.

File:STL2 15.png
As you can see on the following screen, the rule has been successfully added.
File:STL2 16.png

Department Settings

By default, all tickets are free to open.

In the 'Department Settings' tab you can define price per ticket.
Let's set up support credit points required to open tickets in the 'Feedback' support department.
Press 'Show Details' next to the 'Feedback' department as shown on the following screen to proceed.

File:STL2 17.png
Now, start by defining base price per ticket. That price will be added to the price per ticket status.

Afterwards, fill in the prices for low, normal and high status tickets.
Confirm those settings through pressing 'Save' .

File:STL2 18.png


In the 'Clients' tab you can view the amount of Support Credit Points owned by your clients.

You can use filter to search for a specific client.

STL 19.png
To display/hide client's Support Credit Points, press 'Show Detailed Information' / 'Hide Detailed Information' as shown on the screen below.
STL 20.png
You can also manually add/remove credit points to a client, press 'Modify Support Credit Points' to do so.
STL 21.png
Now, fill in the amount of Support Credit Points to be added or removed and then press 'Save' .
STL 22.png

Client Area

Let's proceed to the client area in order to create a ticket.

As you can see, one of the departments is unavailable because this client does not own any Support Ticket Points of this department.
Let's create a ticket in '24/7 Support' department.

STL 23.png
As you can see, your client can view his Support Credit Points for chosen department.

Additionally, he can see price per each ticket priority as shown on the following screen.

STL 23 1.png

Sample Workflow

In this section we will show you basic workflow of Support Ticket Limiter For WHMCS usage.

New Product Department

1. Let's start by creating new ticket department, proceed to 'Setup' 'Support' 'Support Departments' .

Now, press 'Add New Department' .

STL 24.png
2. Fill in department name, description and email address.

Additionally, assign administrators to it, mark 'Clients Only' and press 'Add New Department' .

STL 25.png

New Product Addon

3. Now, let's create a rule, which will add Support Credit Points to the new department.

In our case, Support Credit Points will be added through product addon.
Therefore, we need to create the product addon first.
Proceed to 'Setup' 'Products/Services' 'Product Addons' and press 'Add New Addon' .

STL 26.png
4. Fill in addon name, description and one time pricing.

Additionally, choose one time billing type, mark 'Show on Order' and assign desired products.
Proceed through pressing 'Save Changes' .

STL 27.png

New Rule

5. Go to 'Addons' 'Support Ticket Limiter' and press 'Add Rule'.

6. Fill in rule name and select 'Product Addon' rule type.
7. Now, select previously created product addon and press 'Next'.
8. Set up previously created department and select 'One Time' from 'Support Credit Points Frequency' dropdown menu.
Now, fill in 200 into 'Support Credit Points' field and press 'Finish'.
9. As you can see, rule appeared in rule list and is ready for use.

STL 28.png

Department Configuration

10. Let's set up amount of points required to open tickets in previously created department.

Proceed to the 'Department Settings' tab and press 'Show Details' next to the previously created department.

11. Let's leave 'Required Points' at 0, and fill in Low' , 'Normal' and 'High' ticket statuses sequentially with 30, 60 and 120.
Press 'Save' to confirm changes.

Example Order

12. Log into client account and order one of product with the previously created product addon.
STL 29.png

New Ticket

13. After payment, both the product and the ordered along with it product addon are active.

200 Support Credit Points were granted to this account and now can be spent on '24/7 Support' department as shown on the following screen.

STL 30.png
14. Let's use Support Credit Points by opening new ticket in the '24/7 Support' department with 'High' status.

It will cost us 120 Support Credit Points, there should be 200 points on your account so you can afford creating of only one ticket with 'High' status.
Proceed with creation of this ticket.

STL 31.png
15. As you can see on the following screen, ticket was successfully created.
STL 32.png
16. As well as Support Credit Points was removed from '24/7 Support' department.
STL 33.png


1. It is advised to set one of the departments as a free of charge one. Remember to assign it the lowest priority of support to keep other competitive.

Common Problems

1. When you have problems with connection, check whether your SELinux or firewall does not block ports.
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